Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Arcadia scheme killed!

The hugely controversial 26-storey plan for the Arcadia site opposite Ealing Broadway station has finally been rejected.

I'm delighted by this decision. It's fantastic news for Ealing and a body blow to the Conservative Council.

The hugely unpopular scheme was pushed through against strong local opposition showing how out of touch the Tories have become with local residents. The Conservative Council spent £100,000 to defend it at the Public Inquiry.

The planning inspector has considered all the evidence and has now firmly rejected it. The Secretary of State confirmed the planning inspector's view. The documents aren't yet up on the official website so I've uploaded the 166-page planning inspector's report and the rather more manageable 9-page decision letter.

The Council should now lead the development of the station site with a full bus/ rail interchange. And Glenkerrin should come back with a scheme that reflects community needs rather than just maximising profit. We need a real attraction for people to come to the town centre. We don't need to overdevelop the area beyond what local transport, schools and health facilities can support.


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